We ship using DHL Next-Day.
Once you have placed your order, we then make your items from scratch. The following day, we ship it to you in a cool temperature controlled box. We leave a minimum 48hr buffer between present order time and your chosen delivery date to allow for this process.
Order dates can not be changed after an order is processed, this includes changing the order date via DHL tracking.
Please contact us via phone or email if you wish to change your order date.
Bowen Pies are not liable for date changes after orders have been sent and any date changes could result in you losing your order.
We cover mainland uk (Scottish Highlands, Jersey, Guernsey, isle of wight , Northern Ireland please call for details as delivery times may vary)
Please note, although we champion our process when it comes to getting your pies out the door, unfortunately with all couriers there is the possibility of unexpected delays. We always send out on time for your delivery date, however, on the rare occasion, an unexpected courier delay may push your order date to the following day. Please account for this when choosing your delivery date.
All orders are picked up from our fridges daily around 3-4pm. Our products are packed in temperature-controlled boxes that are specially designed to keep your pies fresh on transit for 48 hours. If your order arrives a day later than expected, rest assured that your pies are still fresh and good to eat.
Please check your delivery details, as we are a food delivery we only have 48 hours to deliver goods. We can not be held responsible for any incorrect addresses or order date changes via the courier and you could risk losing your order. Please double check your details on your order confirmation email and get in touch as soon as possible if there are any issues.